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Monday, October 16, 2006

General English 11 and 10

Bonus question for the week of Oct 16, 2006:
What is your most indispensible possession and why?
You must respond to this question here under "Comments" by midnight Saturday, Oct. 21, in order to receive bonus points.

My most indispensible possession is my computer. Without my computer i could not access the internet regularly like i do. The internet on my computer allows me to look up information to help me with not only my school work, but with my everyday life. By using a computer i can log onto a chat program and chat with my friends from coshocton or where ever they are currently located. My computer is very important to me and i would be lossed without it.

Bradley Smilo

My most indespaioadoihle possesion is you Mrs. Beaumont...You are so fine...I couldn't get through my day with out you...Without you how would I know about engrish..

Eric, I'm touched. Thank you so much.

My most indispensible possesion would have to be my hair products..lol I couldnt leave with out it! If i didnt have my hair stuff i would probably go insane! Not only that, but i would look like a WILD child. :

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